Communications Division
The Kernersville Police Department is equipped with a full-service dispatch and E-911 communications center. All emergency and non emergency calls for service are routed through our communications center. The center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is equipped with state-of- the-art radio equipment. The Town of Kernersville was the first municipality in Forsyth County to install an 800 MHz trunked radio system.
Extended Capabilities
Our facility is a fully equipped E-911 call center.
Text 911
Kernersville PD’s communication center is equipped to handle text messages sent to 911 by mobile users.
Communications Impaired Services
Our agency is equipped to process calls placed by TDD users who are communications impaired.
Language Line
When a caller contacts the call center that does not speak English, an interpreter can be easily reached through the use of Language Line. Telecommunicators can access this service directly while remaining in contact with the caller.
When to Call 911
What is an emergency?
A situation where the safety of people or property is at risk. Examples of 9-1-1 emergencies include: a fire; crime in progress; or a medical crisis.
What is not an emergency?
It is not an emergency when the situation is not dangerous and immediate action is not necessary. If a situation is not life threatening, please call our non-emergency contact number at (336) 996-3177